Asset Division Attorneys, Buzgon Davis Law Offices

How We Can Help

One of the most challenging ordeals in a divorce is the matter of asset division. Throughout your married life, you’ve accumulated a number of possessions, large and small, and now they must be sorted through and split equitably between spouses.

Because every case of property division in divorce is different, it’s advisable to work with asset division attorneys who understand Pennsylvania divorce laws and how to ensure the proceedings end as satisfactorily for you as possible. At Buzgon Davis Law Offices, we’re on your side from the start. Let our experienced staff prove it today.

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How Are Assets Divided in a Divorce?

Every married and divorcing couple has two kinds of assets:

  • Marital property: This includes any property and assets acquired from the beginning of the marriage until the date of separation. It may include a house you bought together or any other jointly-owned property, as well as anything else you purchased while married. It can also include interest, earnings and value increases of any assets developed during the marriage.
  • Non-marital property: This includes any property and assets that either party owned individually prior to the marriage and after the date of separation. Things like a family heirloom or the car you bought after your separation are considered non-marital property.

In Pennsylvania, property division in divorce is limited to marital property only. This means that each party may take all non-marital property belonging to them, as well as an equitable distribution of the marital property.

It should be noted that an “equitable distribution” is not always a split down the middle. Property division often requires a lot of communication and compromise to reach an accord. In most cases, it’s helpful to hire a property division lawyer who can help you navigate these discussions.

When Should You Hire an Asset Division Attorney?

Every person going through a divorce needs a good property division lawyer on their side. Asset division includes taking inventory of your assets and attempting to reach an accord between spouses. While this is doable in many cases, it can bring up a range of emotions that make it challenging. Having an experienced, strategic advocate with you can be immensely helpful to stay on track.

The asset division attorneys at Buzgon Davis Law Offices have experience in mediating these conversations and working out solutions that reflect our clients’ desires. Our sole purpose during these meetings is to support your needs and move toward legal proceedings if both parties cannot reach an agreement.

How Buzgon Davis Law Offices Can Help

At Buzgon Davis Law Offices, our division of property attorneys will treat your case with the care and professionalism it deserves. This is about your future, and we are aware of the importance of our work. Our attorneys work together to provide comprehensive legal knowledge as we develop strategies that will help you get what you need out of the asset division process.

Let our team help you navigate this challenging time and mediate your asset division discussions. Speak with one of our attorneys today and tell us more about your case.

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See What Our Clients Have to Say

Professional and capable, exceeded my expectations! Highly recommend.

Chris P.

I would just like to recommend Buzgon Davis Law Office…especially Michael Bechtold. He represented me during a divorce proceeding with the upmost professionalism and value.

Brad K.

If you need legal help, this is the place to go. No arrogance, they know you’re a person – not a number, not a file name.

Joe T.

Buzgon Davis

Asset Division Attorneys